Thursday, October 23, 2008

24 hour comic day

Well I rolled up my sleeves and tucked into the old art boards for 24 hours straight and came up with "Hippie and the Creature" a comic strip format book that really shows off why I'm not the one who normally does the art on our books.

But I had loads of fun, met some great people and hey, I finished 24 pages in 24 hours. I'm not gonna complain about that.

I'm starting to clean up the images and add some color to them, if you’re interested in checking them out I'll be posting 1 a week for the next 24 weeks. You can view them here

Enjoy (oh and... be kind)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Major updates on the way

Small update for now, some news on our current projects and upcoming appearances.

This weekend I'll be taking part in 24 hour comic book day at Image Collections in Streetsville. Basically I'll have 24 hours to create a 24 page comic book, writing, art, everything. I've never done anything like that before so fingers crossed.

A the moment we have quite a few projects that are in development. The projects include, a preview story for both "XUL: The Gabriel Pope Diaries" and another story "Grim Origins." Other projects that we are doing now include "Case Stone: Small Claims Bounty Hunter" our collection of horror stories "Deadmen and Poodle Skirts" and a follow up to Celtic Shaman.

We are all pretty excited about the future and we look forward to showing off a lot of these new titles once the convention season comes around again.

Here is some concept art from XUL by the talented Jet Amago to give you a taste of what's coming up. Wish me luck with the 24 hour comic!